In July 2023, Global X Research surveyed 1,087 individuals in the United States regarding the impact and significance of extreme weather events. This encompasses a range of topics, including exploring the potential link between extreme weather events and their economic ramifications. Additionally, it delves into how these events can influence consumers’ personal choices.
Key Takeaways
- The majority of respondents (81%) feel extreme weather events and economic strain are correlated.
- In the Northeast (85%), individuals view extreme weather events and economic strain as at least moderately correlated, followed by the West (84%), then the South (75%), and lastly the Midwest (68%).
- 86% of respondents in the Northeast are concerned or very concerned about climate change, followed by 82% in the West.
- 74% in the South identify as concerned or very concerned, while that number drops to 71% in the Midwest.
- Among those concerned about climate change, new extreme weather events most significantly impact the Northeast.
- Over half of surveyed individuals are more conscientious about sustainable consumption to mitigate extreme weather.
- The most common clean technology individuals use in the home is a smart thermostat (39%), followed by solar panels (23%) and electric vehicle chargers (19%).
- As consumers, survey respondents try to combat climate change through recycling (56%), followed by mindful food consumption (48%), and limiting their carbon footprint (34%).
- Nearly 7 in 10 respondents are either very familiar or somewhat familiar with the term Climate Tech.
- Of those who are familiar with Climate Tech, nearly two-thirds are interested in investing in Climate Tech.
- According to survey respondents, the most common clean energy initiatives are Electric Vehicle Incentives (46%), followed by the Paris Agreement (39%), and Renewable Energy and Clean Tech Tax Credits (34%).
Click here to download the Global X ETFs July 2023 Consumer Pulse Survey: Extreme Weather Events & Economic Repercussions.